EEO officers and other field personnel in the DOT bureaucracy typically administer the compliance function. However, with the advent of Public Private Partnerships (P3) and other non-traditional funding, DOT project owners have begun to outsource compliance oversight and administration to private consultants. A P3 is an innovative project delivery system that involves a contractual arrangement between public agencies and private entities. It allows for greater private sector participation and is typically structured to include one or more financing and/or construction components. The East End Crossing/Louisville Ohio River Bridges, a more complex P3 arrangement with many components, was constructed pursuant to an availability-payment design-build-finance-operate-maintain concession between the Indiana Department of Transportation, the Indiana Finance Authority and the developer, Walsh Vinci Bilfinger (WVB). The agreement included a four-year construction period and 35 year operating term. FHWA provided Federal funds, served as a technical advisor, and had oversight of all applicable laws, regulations, and policies.