W.C. Benton & Associates

South Carolina EDIP

Little by Little… Purpose, Process, Progress

“I am so happy to hear that 20 people are attending EDIP. I attended 4 times here in Indiana and it was life changing for me and my business! So happy SCODOT is investing in DBE’s in this manner. It really works!! Thank you!!”

Caroline Hughes, President
CE Hughes Milling, Inc.
Jeffersonville, IN

The Regional EDI gave rise to W. C. Benton & Associates’ partnership with program host, South Carolina State University (SCSU) and generated 11 consecutive highly successful presentations of the South Carolina Entrepreneurial Development Institute Program (EDIP) from 1995-2005.  This power packed series that spanned two decades addressed topics from business planning to technology innovation to estimating and bidding. Each program included evolutionary elements that built on the previous curriculum.  The management of the SCSU Small Business Development Center had this to say about W. C. Benton & Associates’ methodology:

SCEDIP Newsletter

Many of the DBE firms who attended EDIP indicated that the program presented by Benton and Associates was an invaluable learning experience and that each of Benton and Associates’ instructors were experts in their fields.  Several participants stated that they were able to implement the majority of concepts immediately and that all questions were clearly answered with effective examples.

Good News! It is a great day in South Carolina! More than 10 years since W. C. Benton & Associates’ original programs in South Carolina, two years since the 100thanniversary of SCDOT, and now with South Carolina’s 41,400 miles of roads, more than 8,400 bridges—the fourth largest state maintained highway system in the nation—in 2019, W. C. Benton & Associates comes to Columbia to present the South Carolina Department of Transportation’s EDIP. This dynamic program, Little by Little…Purpose, Process, Progress, will include state of the art methods and strategies that show DBEs how to practice continuous improvement and resolve the many challenges that thwart business growth.