In a capstone segment of the program, best-selling author of 12 books, educator, entrepreneur, and seminal authority on social emotional intelligence, Stedman Graham will present Identity Leadership. Graham has devoted 25 years to speaking and educating his audiences about the relationship between identity and leadership. Too many people allow themselves to be defined by others and are labeled by race, gender, family circumstances, and education. The crux of Graham’s identity development thesis is the principle that you are not your circumstances; you are your possibilities.
At Through the Fire to the Wealth, Graham will shatter the labels and the proverbial box. He will discuss how a clear methodology for identity development can positively impact an entrepreneur’s ability to navigate her own life, do the work well, and organize and lead others around a business mission. Graham’s Identity Leadership Nine Step Process is a life prescription that develops an individual’s capacity to become self-aware; self managed; self-empowered; internally motivated; and ready for change. As we become better managers and messengers of beliefs that shape our businesses—as we learn to lead ourselves—we can create innovative pathways to inspire and lead others.