W.C. Benton & Associates

This Is EDI

W. C. Benton & Associates’ unique ability to offer classroom education bridged the gap in capabilities and differences in people and transformed INDOT DBEs into successful business owners.

Stevie Tyus said Indiana EDI changed my life!  Emma Ankenbruck called it magic!  She wrote: Before Indiana EDI, I felt like I was embarking on a long trip to the ocean on a paddleboat.  After Indiana EDI, I at least felt that I had the “coast guard” watching my boat as I row.”  Larry Curtis summed up the sentiments of most participants when he bellowed:  “Only in America!”

The knowledge, training and insight we have gained since 2003, through W.C. Benton & Associates at EDI, has been instrumental in the success and growth of my company which is now considered one of Indiana’s premier trucking firms and a mentor company within EDI. The success of our company is directly associated with our participation at EDI…We look forward to the rigorous and interactive classes that never fail to challenge us and take our company to a higher level each year.

– Plina Kilgore, Plina, Inc. wrote the INDOT Commissioner

Joy, joy, unspeakable joy!  For 22 consecutive years, contractors and consulting engineers expressed overwhelming and unequivocal praise for W. C. Benton & Associates’ EDI programs presented for the Indiana Department of Transportation. The Regional EDI served as W. C. Benton & Associates’ foundation for the EDI program created specifically for INDOT.  Indiana DBEs enrolled in EDI with different levels of experience and backgrounds in the construction industry, with varying interests and skill sets, with distinct personal attributes in terms of confidence and ability to communicate, and dissimilar views of success.  In fact, the only things that class members had in common for certain were their DBE certification and their hopes to participate in the INDOT market.  Thus, the challenge for W. C. Benton & Associates was to present an Indiana EDI program that led to avenues for success that anyone could travel.  W. C. Benton & Associates’ unique ability to offer classroom education bridged the gap in capabilities and differences in people and transformed INDOT DBEs into successful business owners. 
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W. C. Benton & Associates’ INDOT EDI turned the page and redefined “best practices” to include attitude adjustment, continuous improvement, elimination of waste, technology, and supply chain relationships.  Under the tutelage of W. C. Benton & Associates, the umbrella of programs offered in conjunction with INDOT EDI was expanded to include EDI Professional Services; outreach and introductory programming, Statewide Indiana DBE Initiative (SINDI); and advanced EDI, Boot Camp.  This progressive, groundbreaking educational model designed and implemented by W. C. Benton & Associates applauded the glory of entrepreneurship and small business ownership in America.  Furthermore, W. C. Benton & Associates’ programming inspired passion and commitment among INDOT DBEs that motivated them to serve their customers and to see no boundaries or limits to their success!